by Mike Faloon
“Molten Gold”
I was thrilled to hear a new Chills song. New material for the first time in nearly ten years. Granted, it’s only one tune, “Molten Gold,” but it’s a gem. Arguably their third perfect pop song (along “Pink Frost” and “Heavenly Pop Hit”).
I’m tempted to uncork a stream of worthy adjectives to pique your interest in “Molten Gold”—mostly focusing on the interplay between the guitar tracks and the violin, paralleled by the balance between lead and backing vocals. But sampling the song is just a click away. Show > tell, right?
Judging from the lyrics I think Martin Phillipps, the band’s driving force, is even more excited about releasing a new song—perhaps relieved—than any of us.
“I had to fight to find a brighter way
I needed strength and yes, I still do…
I felt richer than a billionaire
I breathe the clear air that can’t be bought or sold.”
From start to finish he sounds like a man renewed, freed of burdens and eager to resume a creative life. Or perhaps enjoying a more fruitful creative life. From what I’ve read he’s never stopped generating ideas but has found and/or created significant difficulties completing those ideas.
Back in 2004, when he released the Stand By EP there was talk of an immediate follow up. However, the EP itself bore few signs of resurgence, most of the tracks sounding underbaked, lacking the distinctive bounce that buoyed even the darkest of Chills songs.
I can only hope that Phillipps’ future is as bright as he projects on “Molten Gold.” It’s been far too long since we last heard from him.